Yes, it’s already the end of the day on Monday.  Monday’s are so busy—tennis, piano, trumpet…and the list goes on!  I’m thrilled to be living here with a wonderful family and wonderful friends, young and old.

My Bible study is really wonderful right now—talking about how God uses, even allows, difficult times to grow us for His master plan.  What do you think about that?

Parker’s report card came in today…it’s really good, again.  He’s a hard worker…makes a mom proud.

Of course, Chip makes me proud, too.  He finally got a decent grade on a test in Mr. McTigue’s class.  Now, if he would slow down, he would score even better because he wouldn’t make careless mistakes.  Thursday night is the Jazz Cavies’ Cabaret.  I know it will be so great!

Siegel Elem.’s band performs tomorrow night (Tues), and I’ll be the percussion section will be grand!

I’m really praying for God to intervene in the lives of some of my younger friends.  If you can see where God has been working in your life, please share it with me.  It would be so encouraging to hear how God is answering prayers! 

I’m so proud of so many of you.  Your courage to express your faith is undaunted by kids who have chosen a different path.  Bravo!  Just like the lady in Atlanta who shared the Good News with that murderer.  Look how that turned out!  God is good!!

Have a great day–Susan

5 Responses to “”

  1. carrie665 says:

    Well, I was really really upset because I was gonna have to walk down to the culdasack for my mom to pick me up after school. Despite the fact that it was freezing I was also gonna have to walk by myself because most of my other friends’ parents actually pick them up at the school. After school I found out that 3 of my friends also walk that way. So, like… God helped me not be upset with the situation and made it easier on my mom, plus I get some bonding times with my girls! That’s just where I saw God today, and I thought I would share.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Mrs.Susan <33

                NO WAY i would NEVER meet up with anyone i met on the internet. i dont give out my number or address or anything i promise thats way to weird. thats awesome what church do you go to? i am starting to go to World Outreach i used to go to Saint Rose but world outreach gives me a better experience!!! well i am going to go do some studyin…….. alright. well i loveee you to death! tHanks.

  3. TlDkHaNdSuM says:

    hey Mrs. Steen

    u always have such GREAT things 2 say!  on ur xanga! lol well thanks 4 prayin 4 taylor!  i talked 2 chip 2day lol it was funny like he was workin on the jazz thing after school 2day! (i stay till 5 waiting on taylor 2 get out of chorus! (sp)) well i was like chip beth is n the gym 4 cheerleading! he goes YES! lol so he runs down there and then he comes back and was like tell me when they get out! i was like ok and then he took a break and stuff and was like i have 2 go 2 the bathroom and stuff  and we were right by it but he went 2 the one by the gym lol so i yelled out CHIP! the bathroom is right here not where beth is lol! it was so funny lol he laughed well i g2g ttyl


  4. MeLeeSa523 says:

    Miss Susan! you are so awesome! i got a booboo today…it hurt..but it doesnt hurt maybe that was God working in my life…? haha!! i dont really know…i was actually thinking the same exact thing last night about how God is working in my life..and honestly I dont think I can see anything right now! Maybe I am just not digging deep enough! I hope you have a great rest of the week! I will see you tomorrow! Love you! *Melissa*

  5. Sproing2535 says:

    this song… my english teacher had us right a thing about it… like what it meant to us or what the writer was trying to say. i just love it…

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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