How I do believe! I believe that God is faithful to His promises and to His Word. What was written years ago still holds true for us today. Patience is what God requires of us, next only to obedience, I might add. For thirteen years we have waited, not always so patiently, for God to bring to pass the reason we believed he brought us to Murfreesboro. Today it has happened–Glory! Thank you God that everything happens in YOUR time and not in ours. Who knows how much differently things would be if Bernie had been promoted when he was originally supposed to be. What a blessed day this day is! My joy is really almost unspeakable–hard to imagine with me, isn’t it?
Chip and Brad went to get “Bush” t-shirts and then will run around the neighborhood for a bit. Parker and David went with Bernie and the Middlers from church to the corn maze. I’m sure they will have a blast. I’m just thrilled to be sitting here at home by myself.
Our circle began the Beth Moore study on Tuesday, and I really believe that we will see God work through this study to encourage and inspire our women. I’m so grateful and so humbled that we can study openly and joyfully. So many in other countries don’t have the religious freedom that we enjoy.
Can I share the neatest thing with you? We were studying about Noah building the ark, and God had him coat it with pitch, a tar-like substance, I believe. But the original Hebrew meaning of “pitch” is “to cover, to atone for.” That’s exactly what Jesus did for us with His blood–he covered our sins, atoned for them. Isn’t that incredible that God did the same for the only humans he allowed to live on that ark? Don’t ever doubt how real God is–He’s amazing!
can you really hear my song?! I cant! humm well thanks… have a great weekend! love ya!!