Note to self:  first deadly migraine in weeks.  Good that it’s been so long.  Bad that it happened at all.  Have slept almost the whole day since coming home from church at 10:30.  Went to early service.  Woke up with it, and wished I could have just died by 1:00.  Sick.  Just needed to document it.  Have done so well until now.  Yuck.  Slept through youth advisors meeting and youth group.  Am sad.  Missed what I love.  Still feel crummy.

9 Responses to “”

  1. me132 says:

    we missed you tonight
    mrs. susan!! and i hope
    you feel better..
    i love you!!

  2. Aw get better soon! <3 you

  3. aww mrs. steen, i hope you feel better soon!! i love you!!!

  4. aww don’t feel bad Mrs. Steen…we all miss some things for health reasons…don’t be hard on yourself. I am sorry that you had a migrane, i will definately pray that it doesn’t come back. Thank you for the words of encouragement by the way, that is much needed for me right now lol my stress level is through the roof with West Side Story auditions and All-State at the same time…it’s almost too much. So thanks for the encouragement i really do appreciate it. I hope you get to feeling better! I love you!


  5. mrs. steen, i hope you get to feeling better. stupid migrane.  i LOVE you

  6. i hope that you are feeling better!!  i suppose that i will see you at midstate.  i <33 you!


  7. i hope you feel better!!!

  8. Sproing2535 says:

    we missed you mrs susan!!!!!

  9. Anonymous says:

     I hope you feel better reeeeeeeeeeeeeal soon =)

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing helps like a good nap…

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