HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I’ll type more tomorrow, but I wanted to include the link to the photo show from tonight’s festivities. I’m really sleepy, so I’m going to bed for now. The link from our very fun evening is http://photoshow.comcast.net/watch/cP6Fs5Yk . The kids had a “blast” in more ways than one!
i love it! i hope you had a wonderful New Year and i hope your house doesn’t smell too bad form the fireworks!!!
mrs. steen you rock!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for last night!!!! it was soo much fun!!!! i love you!!!!!! happy new year!!!! <3<3 em
gosh i wish i coulda stayed…but i had already made plans before i found out about this movie-night sleepover kinda thing…
oh well maybe next time right
thanks for the awesome time even though it was short mrs steen and i hope to be seeing you guys more often
happy new year