FYI…Chip’s RISK game was hidden in a safe place. We finally found out where that place was.
RISK games can happen again at any time! Yes, it’s very good news.
The guard dinner is tonight at 5:00 and then the choir is singing at 8:00. It should be a full night.
I worked much of the night to finish up the photo show for the Color Guard Dinner. I’m very
pleased with it, although I wish I had photos of a few more girls. Perhaps I’ll find some more
before 5:00. Of course, I have a busy day, but I trust God to place my feet where they need to
go–one in front of the other. I’ll accomplish the things He has for me and leave the other with
no regrets. Will you?
I am praying right now that the girls in guard will have a peace wash over them today. It’s a peace
that only comes from God and only comes from letting go of hate and anger. Maybe it’s time for
a fresh look at things–for everyone. If you want to be a leader, lead gently and with dignity, not with
anger or foul words. Respect is earned, it is not something you can demand, otherwise.
I love all of you and think you have an incredible amount of talent.
Remember that you have to stick together and work through things. Take the high road, as Mr. Steen
often reminds me.
im soo happy your gunna be there tonight!!! i love you!! <33 megan
I’ve never placed Risk, I don’t believe…
And yes, I do… it’s youaremycharlie
well said.
it was so good to see you there last night and your photo shows were wonderful!
mrs. steen!!!!!!!!!!! i just love you oh so much!!!!! i’m so glad that you loved your gifty!!!!! jacque called me and asked if i could come but i couldn’t because i was doing midterm studies….believe i would’ve loved to come!!!! i miss you oh so much!!!! let’s have a girls only movie night!!!! and we can knit!!! that would be so much fun!!!! we have a surprise for you from the guard girls but jenna had it so we’ll get it to you asap!!!!! i love you!!!! <3<3 em