It is really still Tuesday, though the clock says Wednesday–after Midnight.  It’s been a very long day, as well as a very tiring day.  It was disappointing for Chip because the driver’s testing facility asked questions about insurance, and guess what part of the book he didn’t read?  Yep, it was impossible to guess his way through those questions, so he’ll study the sections he skipped and take the test again next week.  Not what he hoped for, but he’ll learn a lot of important information along the way.  We adults should probably have to take the same tests you kids are taking.  It might put alot of us on bikes or on foot for a bit!  There are some tough numbers and other facts to learn.  Hats off to you who must learn all of it.

With any sadness comes joy–always!  Today’s joy was in getting to see so many precious faces, some for the second time in two days (whoop, whoop, as you all say!)  But the biggest joy was in seeing my precious Audrey turn “1” today!  Can you believe it’s been a year?  Oh, what a joy and a blessing she has been and continues to be.  The Millwoods had just a few families over to celebrate the big day, and I had no choice but to take some pictures.  Want to see them? .  She’s just a doll!

Tonight was also Bellacino’s night for the Band–we received 20% of every meal that had a coupon attached to it.  Guess what?  Took pictures there, too.  Want to see those?  You can go to the band web page or go to   Of course, all of the photo shows are on my photo show page at comcast.  Knock yourself out and watch what you want, or don’t watch any of it. 

You have to know that this is my man!  He is so brave and courageous.  He
dressed early in the morning and armed himself for what might be under the
house.  I had to take his picture, just in case he looked different after looking
under the house!  (He looked no different, however).  He’s my prince!


Audrey’s First Birthday!1The Gibson’s gave her the great leopardy
thing.  She liked modelling for us.

There were so many fun and funny people who dropped by to get dinner
at Bellacino’s…fun, fun.

GRACE!!!  You are such a treasure.

My Hero!


5 Responses to “”

  1. Cathy811 says:

    Mrs. Steen…. you take the best pictures. =)

  2. aww Mrs. Steen those pictures of audrey are so cute! i love babies lol i just can’t help it. I am sad that i couldn’t go to bellaccino’s last night but me and emily have been planning to start working out and last night was the first night we could do it this year so we couldn’t back out on that! But thanks for letting chip come last night! I love you Mrs. Steen!


  3. Babyyyyyyyyyyyy.

    Babies are cute sometimes. Heh.

    That’s me! Whoo! You cut Tess and Willoughby out the picture… hee hee. They’re not as cool as I, right?

  4. ME_KG says:

    aww cute pictures! i love you mrs susan!

  5. embolie13 says:

    mrs. steen!!!!!! you’re amazing i just love you!!!!! <3<3 em

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing helps like a good nap…

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