It has occurred to me that you all have more fun than I remember having
when I was in school.  But I DO NOT want to relive my youth through
you guys.  I love being an adult, and I love WATCHING you.  I am very
glad that God has allowed me the privilege of doing what I’m doing at this
point in my life.

Now, for your reading pleasure, you simply must read Grace’s post today.
 TurquoiseFlamingo It’s the hardest I’ve laughed in a while.  I love Grace.
She isn’t a trumpet, and she isn’t in my youth group.  She doesn’t come to
Movie Night.  Nope, she’s not in any of the usual places..she plays trombone! 
She’s amazing…kind of like Kris Hay.  She’s just touched me!  Anyway,
I know you’ll laugh when you read what she wrote.  I wish I could have a
movie night every night so I could see so many different “friends.”  I liked
the girls’ idea of a girls night, and we could send Chip to Daniel’s or Andrew’s.
Elizabeth, Beth, Chelsey, Jacque, Emily, Julia Grace, and who else would
we have?  My girls could all get to know each other!  Melissa, Kallie, Christie,
Allie, Taylor, Courtney, Morgan, I can’t keep typing or I’ll be late for church, but
you get the picture!  I don’t really have many girls in Parker’s age group.  I’m
sure that will change as they get to the high school and are in my youth group.
Parker will be just thrilled, I’m sure.

Bernie and I will be back to just the two of us some day, and I love him so much
that I’ll be just fine.  We have a blast whenever we’re together.  You know, that’s
really important.  When you marry someone, make sure it’s someone God chose
for you.  That way, you’ll enjoy being with each other when it’s just the two of you
and your kids are out with their own activities. 

Have a happy Sunday.  Maybe I’ll have pictures tonight after Youth Group!


7 Responses to “”

  1. Hoorah for trombones! 😉

    Hmmmm… I’ll try and worm my way into that group for a weekend, how’s that?

    Heh, or you could come play video games with Momma Willoughby, Mady, and myself on Tuesdays!

    Glad my little experience made you laugh. It didn’t make my dad laugh. But it made my mom and me laugh.

  2. i love you mrs. steen! we should sooooo have a girls night!


  3. Cathy811 says:

    Haha, yeah. Grace’s xanga was great! 

  4. Manda says:

    oh that sounds wonderful! my email is and my cell number is 504-7503. i am quite reachable either way… look forward to hearing from you!

  5. Sproing2535 says:

    thank you soo much mrs susan

  6. mrs. steen!! i just LOVE you sooo much!! i don’t what i would do without you. I LOVE YOU

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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