A couple of pictures that I needed to include, which I forgot in the grouping. Samantha and Jenna would be so sad!
The Variety Show at the High School is Thursday night. The cost is $6.00, and I do hope many of the parents will try to go. I’m going to videotape it, so I can get lots of good band footage–you know those band kids are everywhere!
The band looked great at practice last night. Very sharp!
Youth group girls…don’t forget we’re meeting at Starbucks on Sunday at 6:00 for those who aren’t going to the fall retreat. Can’t wait!!!
Hey Miss Susan!!! I can’t wait to see you this weekend!! I hope that we can still go out to lunch one day while I am in Mboro! Maybe I will come join the 6:00 small group if that is ok..I will see you this weekend!! I love u!! –emily
whoot whoot the variety show is gonna be REALLY good this year!!!
I know that you will enjoy the Variety Show it is always very entertaining! As always, you know that you’re the best second Mom anyone could ever have! <3<3 Beth
awww I love you so much! Your comment made me cry…because everything you said is so true. Thank you so much for everything! I know I can always come to you
i loooooove my mrs. steen!!!! girl talk was so much fun!!!! i love you!!! <3<3 em
miss susan!!!! you are so awesome! starbucks…sunday, definately! when i lose all my heir dooies again, i’ll let you know! haha! i loooove you!