So, Bunko was tonight. Only seven of us were here, so we decided to just draw names for prizes and not even play. I had good food and drink, though, and the company was nice, so the night wasn’t a total loss.
Today was Homecoming for the Middle School. Laura, Laurie, Kim, and Margaret helped me with the balloon arch this morning. Parker played in the pep band–much to his dismay, I think. He’d much rather have been socializing. Bernie took care of the parent duties at the ball game, which took a load off my mind and plate. He’s always pitching in where’s needed–that’s for sure!
Tomorrow is Homecoming for the High School. I’m staying with Audrey for a while in the morning while Carolyn helps at something at school. The rest of the day I’ll be busy getting ready for Hoover (Saturday’s contest). I know the band has practiced hard and added some wonderful new visuals. They’ll be ready.
Chip and Chelsey have been talking and talking. I must see if I can get them to hang up and continue their conversation tomorrow. Honestly, she’s just the most delightful person! Beth, Emily—you all are delightful, too, of course! Now, don’t start leaving me notes asking why I didn’t name the rest of you. You all know how much I love each and every one of you–all 227!!!!
We’ll be eating cookies for many months–thanks cookie dough girls! Anyone need fruit? We’re selling!
That’s about it for tonight. Sweet dreams. I’ll check back this weekend with wonderful new pictures. Thank you, dear God, for the blessings you have so freely given–it leaves me practically speechless!
Mmmm, if they’re chocolate chip, you should bring me one!
those cookies are reaaaaalllllyyyy good haha. I love you mrs. steen! i hope i didn’t keep chip up too late!
hey miss susan! i hope that you are having an awesome week! ill see you on sunday!
miss susan! why didnt you say myyy naaaam : (…hahaha im just joking. i love miss susan so so so so so so much!!!