It was a pretty awesome night…as the teens say, “I’m pretty sure Siegel rocked last night.”  They’re ‘pretty sure’ about most everything!  The pictures are great, the game was great, and the band was great.  The guard had some new flags and new brooches—really makes the uniform! 
Grant and Darryl are really good listeners…….Arvetta likes the peanuts–she’s so much fun!!…..And Parker got to drive the tractor with the trailer
into the field.  He would like us to purchase a mower and take the blade off so he can drive it around here—Bernie had a better idea, why not buy a mower and leave the blade on, and still drive it around here–heck, some grass might get cut in the process!!

The Pit is excited about having Allie join them…no doubt she’d rather be marching, but she’s a great addition! 



Melissa and Taylor came by to visit…both of them have hurt fingers, boo hoo!!!

As much as I adore Lupoli and Dukey, and I do, I really wanted you to see the new brooches–they are incredible and really complete the uniform, don’t you think?  Congratulations to the football team–20-14!!!!  Way to go, Siegel!!
  Yes, I got a perm!  It’s really going to be a lot of fun to have all these curls!!!

We were supposed to go to eat with the Rozell’s (I was so hungry!), but Bernie has to work early this morning, so maybe we’ll get another chance.  What a bummer to miss the meal and the company!!

The book on my site is what I think we’ll study this year for circle for all you 1st Pres folks.  Also, I’ve included this letter from our pastor…

HELP NEEDED:  Our church facilities are on call with the Red Cross to house refugees from hurricane Katrina.  Providentially, our session has just recently re-affirmed our willingness to host refugees in case of a disaster.  As of this writing, First Baptist has 30 people and has been told to expect two more busloads tonight.  If that many actually show up, the overflow will come to us.


        1. People on call for various duties:  spend the night at the church with our guests; cook and serve meals; clean the church each day; be a friend and guide to needed services.

        2. Cots, blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, etc.

        3. Towels

        4. Food.

        If you can provide any of the above, call me at home (890-6623) or leave a message at the church.  My email list is incomplete, so it will help if you spread this word among 3 friends in the church.

    I’m told that the Red Cross has toiletries, but other items are needed.  Christina Brown from First Baptist is coordinating shelter for the Red Cross.  She is preparing to host people for several weeks.  Clearly the situation with those who have suffered just continues to escalate. 

    One way to give thanks for God’s protecting hand on our lives is to serve others.”

10 Responses to “”

  1. Nice pictures…

    What kind of towels?

  2. Anonymous says:

    your hair looks SO COOl

  3. hey. i have a perm too! you’ll love it!-dan

  4. me132 says:

    i dont care if ohs lost..i had a ton of FUN…i loveeed seeing you..

    and you hair looks great.

    youre always so much fun mrs susan!!!

  5. embolie13 says:

     mrs. susan!!! ((yes i got it now!!!)) we had soo much fun last night!!! i just love you hair!!!! amazing!!!! but most of all i love love love you!!! yes the broches are so amazing!! they’re so sparkly and what not!!!!! i just love my mrs. susan!!!! <3<3 em

  6. LiLMiMi927 says:

    I told you I would take care of Chip!!! I’m a great driver!! I love you ooo so much mrs steen and your perm looks awesome! I also have one there fun!!! Well I hope you have a good weekend Love ya <3 Jenna

  7. aww mrs. steen you look like one of those TV moms from the 50’s like june cleaver or something! i love the hair!!!


  8. The memorial Is next saterday the 10th In Mounteagle at 3:30.
    If you want directions i can give them to you, just ask :]

    Thanks, I’ll remember what ya said!

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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