Pictures…they’re always the most fun, aren’t they? The band is gearing up for a big night tomorrow night. I know they have some things to work through, but they really do sound wonderful. I had lots of Silent Auction items delivered to me tonight, so I’m feeling much more encouraged!! Thanks!!!
There’s never any lowbrass pictures…
Hey, does Chip have a xanga?
ooh mrs susan!! the first game is tomorrow… im getting sooo nervous!!
We want Chip, we want Chip, we want Chip!!!!!!!!
hey! its ashley. it was good seeing you at the game tonight!
i wonder who’s shoe…it looks very nice…almost like it’s new haha you rock ms steen! thanks for cookie dough! i will talk to you about it tuesday after practice if that’s okay!
i wonder who’s shoe…it looks very nice…almost like it’s new haha you rock ms steen! thanks for cookie dough! i will talk to you about it tuesday after practice if that’s okay!