What a day!!! Siegel High School Band…You Rock!!!!!  Notice, this is in Teal and Blue just for you.  I just think you guys and girls are an amazing bunch.

Tonight was the first performance of what the band has learned so far, and it was the first thing to happen inside the new stadium at Siegel High School.  What a night!
Ruthie, I have already grown to love you so!                            Sean…with a shirt on this time. 
Great smiles…much excitement!    While Erin is happy to smile, Jordan has learned to endure my being around, I’m afraid.  He’s a neat fellow!
I really love the French Horns, I know you all call them something else.  But my favorite section has to be the trumpets…
Beth, do I embarrass you with all of my picture taking?  You girls, and guys, have been great sports!!  Thanks!
There’s this one really cute trumpet player, but I don’t see him just now…hmmm…Percussion rocks, too, though!
Oh, and it’s really neat that Jacque is back marching this year.  If it weren’t for her hurting her leg, Chip wouldn’t have
marched last year, but I’m glad she’s able to march this year for the whole season.  She’s a sweety!
More percussion…………..and then there are the tubas…aren’t they incredible?  Calvin, you didn’t smile!!
In the stands is great, but there’s nothing like seeing them on the field…
What’s not to love about those trumpets?

11 Responses to “”

  1. hey mrs. steen!! i loved being with you all this week!! you brighten up everyones day!! hope to see you soon!! -megan-

  2. carrie665 says:

    i will most deffinately look out for chip.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It was pretty neat, but it was definitely hard work!

  4. Aw, I love Jordan; he’s so cute.

    And I believe the term is “mellophones”.

    And what’s not to love about trumpets?

    They’re not trombones!!

  5. *ponders*

    You know… I really don’t know why… You’d probably have to ask Ruth or Kyle or Devri…


    Now I’m curious!

  6. I love the pictures!!! Can’t wait for a great season this year its gonna be amazing!!! I’m so glad that Chip could march w/ us last year and their was a reason that I hurt my knee!!! I might not know why later but their is a reason that happened!!! I’m so excited 3 whole days w/ no band!!! AMAZING!!! can’t wait to see you on tuesday!!!


  7. BLINKDUDE says:

    HEY MRS. STEEN! I like the pictures… the only thing is that you need more of me! haha, just kidding.

    Chip rocks the mullet!

    See ya later!


  8. hey mrs. steen!! i hope u had a great summer!!


  9. little_evaD says:

    hi susan this is eva! this is my xanga site!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Of course trumpets are cool…but french horns are amazing! lol, performing for everyone was so much fun! I cant wait to do it again

  11. Ms. Steeeeen!! I just love you oh so much! you make my day so much better by just being… well, you!

    love, elizabeth

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The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

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