Before I get into the excitement of the day, I must ask you to pray for very special people:  a little girl named Katie who is having problems at home, a lady named Pat who is struggling with the loss of an adult child, a family whose daughter, Natalee, has disappeared while on vacation in Aruba.  My heart is aching for all of these people. 

Felix is here!  He is so so cute, too!  We are all loving having him here, with the exception of Liza, and possibly Sandie.  At least Sandie has only looked closely.  Liza has howled this awful howl—this is only day one.  Here are some photos…

The two come face to face, and even nose to nose!

Felix (Actually, Felix, Jr.), 6 weeks old, in all his cuteness!

Sandie, a Golden Retriever with her summer “do”—-she is very regal looking, and acts like a puppy!

My friend Sarah came to see me today, as did Audrey.  We had a wonderful visit—it’s hard for me to believe that Sarah will be a junior in college this fall.  Audrey, on the other hand, is only six months old.  But she is the sweetest and funniest thing to play with and talk to.  Such joy–thank you, Jesus!

David and Garrett are here tonight…I caught them watching a movie—Parker was still in a chair, but they were ready to hit the hay, I’m pretty sure.  Having friends over is always fun!

6 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous says:

    those people will definately be in my prayers, i cant imagine how horrible the situations must be

    that kitten is adorable! i love when they are little

  2. Hey Mrs. Steen thank you for the comment , thank you soo much for the complement ! Your soo nice! Hope you Chip and Parker are havin a GREAT summer!! Hope to see you on the courts or the pool!!

    -<3 JuLiE KaTe


  3. ME_KG says:

    nope, i wasnt gone forever. haha, just a week! but im home now, which is good!  see you sunday!

  4. MeLeeSa523 says:

    your kitty is sooo cute! i want to see it in person!!!!

  5. aww i will surely be praying for those people..i cant imagine how hard the things are that they are going through..thats so sad.your kittys are very adorable!i love cats but i cant have any because i have so many dogs!but kittens are the cutest thing in the world!i know what you mean about seeing people as beautiful until you really get to know them that is so true!your so amazing Mrs.Steen!well i hope your having great summer ill talk to you when i get back!love you!

  6. missbev says:

    Hey there…….sorry I haven’t stopped by in a while. I love your kitty…..reminds me of one we had years ago. Her name was Spooky and she disappeared for 9 mo. and we figured she was dead. Then one day, she just ran back in the back door. That is one time that I really wished she could have talked so we could find our about her adventures.

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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