Today is Sunday…God’s Holy Day…Go to His house for today—isn’t He at yours EVERY Day?
These peacocks were out the other morning, and we were pleasantly surprised. Imagine when I learned that my friends Melissa and Emily have them in their backyard all the time! I wonder if they have ever tried to grab a feather! Maybe Kallie has a few feathers…I think she’s seen them often, too.
If you didn’t see yesterday’s post, please keep scrolling down!
mrs.steen !!! how are you ??omgosh it was soooo nice to see you at school !! can you believe that we only have one more week in middle school?? wow !! its so great !! we will be freshmen at the highschool !! and ill cheer for the freshmen !! i am so excited.. and i bet chip is too !! lol well i hope to see you soon !! you are such an inspiration to young people mrs. steen !! I LOVE YOU !! God Bless You ! have an amazing SuMmEr !!! .::*SUMMER OF `05 BABY*::. !! lol well have a great day !! ~::*::BETH::*::~
oh Miss Susan! those peacock pictures just might be the MOST AWESOME pictures I have ever seen in my whole life! They are amazing! I think i could just go on about those peacock’s forever! I am so happy you put them up here so i could see them! yayy!!!! hahahahaha!(note: most of that was sarcasm….) i love you miss susan! *melissa*
aww Mrs. Steen! You are always so sweet and thoughtful! I love getting those little message every once in a while! I hope you have a great and fun summer! keep smiling!
thank u so much for ur prayer! it means ALOT! u alwayz make me smile mrs steen! and ur a wonderful women of christ! thanx again! hope u had a great weekend,
God bless,
AYE MRS.STEEN!!! Your so sweet and an AWESOME mom!! Everytime I see your smiling face it just brightness mine!! I love this song!! its so cute!!! HaVe An AwEsOmE sUmMeR!!!
hey mrs. Steen its meaghan im not sure if you remember me lol but i just thought i would stop bye and say hey! *MeAgHaN*
Hey there! What a great experience for the youth! Do you have many graduating out of your group?
HEY! of course its great bein back here but of course there are times when i jus wish i culd be back in Mexico… but of course i hav some really important reasons for me to enjoy bein here!
thanx for tha comment