I went to the dance recital last night for The Dancer’s School.  Let me just say that it was amazing!  It was an incredible show.

Chip and Chelsey went with Daniel and Emily to see X-Men 3—bummer, since I had hoped we could go see it as a family this week. 🙁

Parker mowed the yard.  It looks good. 

We leave in the morning for a day at the lake with the Campbells and Bensons.  Should be fun.  My mom is going to take care of the house and dogs. 

That’s all for today.  Kind of boring, but hey, it’s all I have to say.

5 Responses to “”

  1. Mmmm, lake sounds good… can you get a tan for me?

  2. i will be taking some trips to the lake myself this summer. I hope you have a good time tomorrow! i should be seeing you sometime this week (i would imagine) lol so i guess i will just see you soon!


  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi mrs.steen how has summer been so far?

    (maria west)

  4. embolie13 says:

    i love you mrs. steen!!!! <3<3 em

  5. I love you mrs. steen ((^ way more than emily does^))

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing helps like a good nap…

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