Every day, I get a thing called “God’s Minute,” and it’s written to ME, as if God is speaking to me. I love it. “FOR WHAT I DO IS NOT THE GOOD I WANT TO DO; NO, THE EVIL I DO NOT WANT TO DO–THIS I KEEP DOING. WHAT A WRETCHED MAN I AM! WHO WILL RESCUE ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH?” ( ROMANS 7:19 & 24 *NIV ) Dear Susan, Those are the words of the Apostle Paul. To remain sinless was a struggle for him, as well as, the rest of the Apostle’s! For sin has always been a struggle for mankind ever since Adam and Eve! Therefore when we slip and sin it is very important to ask our Heavenly Father to forgive us. For it is written; IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. (1 JOHN 1:9) Thus we become cleansed and forgiven from our past sins, and that includes all of them! After all it is written; “COME NOW, LET US REASON TOGETHER,” SAYS THE LORD. “THOUGH YOUR SINS ARE LIKE SCARLET, THEY SHALL BE WHITE AS SNOW; THOUGH THEY ARE RED AS CRIMSON, THEY SHALL BE LIKE WOOL.” ( ISAIAH 1:18 ) So Susan, just be the very best person that you can be, and if you slip and sin once in a while, do not think that God doesn’t love you anymore. For no one is perfect, however once there was one, sinless and blameless, and filled with love, and they Crucified Him… Isn’t it great to be reminded that we’re not perfect, not expected to be perfect, and we can slip
Some days I find it ok, and other days, it’s like WOW! Today, it just struck me as something that so many
of my friends would embrace. I hear so many of you say things about messing up. Does that drive you away
from the church or from God? I hope not–God hopes not, too. In fact, God knows that you want to do better
things, even when you wind up doing something you didn’t want to do.
Read on, and know that you are unconditionally loved…
once in a while and God will still love us? He is amazing, His love is amazing, and I pray that you
are trusting Him to be your guide through life. Let life be fun, have a ton of fun, but keep in mind
that you can be a party girl or a party guy for God and be drunk on Him, high on the Holy Spirit
and there is absolutely nothing illegal about it. What a way to live! Try it!!
i love how God knows exactly what to say to you at exactly the right time. I love you mrs. steen!
Hi Mrs. Steen. Just stopped to say hi.I love it how you’re always so positive.
see ya, bye
i love you mrs. steen!! God works in mysterious ways.
man steenie! my car! my firebird! my child! he gave his life to save mine…thats all i could ask he did his duty. a good friend he was i miss him i can still smell the sweet aroma! life will never be the same…..but me and hunter were ok and thats good. they guy i hit is ok and his car will be repaired and thats good, but my car….will forever be a fond memory, just another chapter in the sega of Kris Hay. Bad to the Bone will forever be a cursed song. life will never be the same, the grieving process begins!
Hey Mrs. Steen!
Its Sara {from next door}
I just wanted to say hi!!
See you Monday morning
*Love Sara*
mrs. steen you are just amazing!!!!! i love you oh so much!!!!! <3<3 em