So, Siegel graduation was today.  WOW!  It’s hard to believe all these
amazing kids are now high school graduates!  It was a great day.  We
started off at the Millwood’s and celebrated with Drew and family.  We
went to the Caskey’s to wish Brooke well, then we left for graduation. 
Traffic was awful!  The man in front of me stood and moved and motioned
his hands every time I was about to take a picture.  I was ready to just
go stand in front of him, but I didn’t. It was just very frustrating to miss
out on some great shots.  After graduation, we went to the Garner’s for
Beth’s Happy Graduation party.  It was a great time, and there is just no
one that has come to mean as much to us as Bethy.  I think it’s the way she
took Chip under her wing when he was an 8th grader marching, then called
us Chip’s Mom and Chip’s Dad all the time, then started coming to the house
for movie nights and spent time really visiting with us.  Yeah, God just gave
us a special love for Elizabeth Leigh Garner.  So, we gave her a special gift
for graduation…her first guitar.  No more tennis racquet guitars for her!
  I know she’ll teach herself to play, and Bernie taught her three chords already.

Now for the photos!

The Millwoods………
The band playing at graduation…………

The graduates after the confetti was released…………….
Bernie and Beth with the guitar……………………….
This would be Beth, Meghan, Ben, and Ritchie sitting on Jacob. 
He’s   breathing, though, because he was able to stick his arm up—kind of.

Beth and Allison looking around……….
Now, here are some other fun photos from the past couple of weeks…….
Olivia getting her award….

Caroline playing at the concert………………..


Chip getting tickled………….

5 Responses to “GRADUATION!!!”

  1. Lovely pictures, as always…

  2. embolie13 says:

    beautiful pics mrs. steen!!!!!!!! i just love you oh so much!!!! we need to have another girl movie day!!! let all the boys do paintball and what not!!!! i love you!!!!! <3<3 em ((OOOO STARBUCKS DATE!!!!))

  3. it makes me so mad that i had to miss graduation and everyone’s parties…but i guess God had me where He wanted me. I really like that last picture of chip haha it actually made me laugh out loud (lol) haha. I love you Mrs. Steen!


  4. hey mrs. steen.. i love the pictures.. well i haven’t talked to you in a long time so i decided to leave you a comment… i probably won’t see you again until band camp. : (

  5. thank you mrs. steen! it was so good seeing you today, i haven’t seen you in a long time! i think i like myspace more because i have more friends that have them. well i love you mrs. steen!

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing helps like a good nap…

Birds are Beautiful

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