Oh Lord My God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thy hands hath made….
So begins one of my favorite hymns, and this morning, I have beheld some of the beauty up close and personal. The petals on flowers—they are each so different, so personal–just like we are. And as I was scratching up some soil to put grass seed down, and in some places just putting the seed down without scratching the soil, I thought of the Parable of the Soil—-what kind of soil will yield the best grass? It will be interesting to see. Yes, God is always teaching me through everyday life.
So, what kind of soil am I planting His Word in? Am I allowing the sun (Son) to light and nourish the seed? Am I watering the seed with the Water of Life that never leaves us thirsting for more? Only if I do those things can I be assured of the beautiful petals that reflect the beauty of the Creator. Oh, Lord, My God, when I in hurried lifestyle, take not the time to tend the seed you’ve sown…Yes, I think a song is on the horizon to a tune I know so well.
hiya Mrs. steen it’s maria west! just wanted to say hi!
how great thou art is one of my favorite hymns too!!!!! i sing it in the shower. lol
i want to be an aeronautical engineer 🙂
thanks for the comment mrz steen