Inflammation, Leaky Gut, Autism?

Inflammation, Leaky Gut, Autism?

When I heard the parents talking about what was happening to their kids, I paid attention.

It isn’t my job (ie paying gig) to share with everyone about food, body, health, wellness information, but it is what I feel strongly about doing… giving you the opportunity to hear and see the truths about the effects of foods on your health.  The movie “Genetic Roulette” is available to view for free through the 22nd (Saturday).  Just watch the first five or ten minutes–let it play as you are typing on something else.  Hearing the information that lies in the reports that were not considered when Genetically Modified foods were allowed is disturbing.  PLEASE consider what it means to your health.  The FDA’s scientists were the very people who warned that GMOs were not safe.

What is most interesting to the average person should be this simple fact:  as diseases of inflammation have increased (auto-immune diseases)…diseases such as Crohn’s Disease, Diabetes, IBD (Inflammative Bowel Disease), Ulcerative Colitis, Chronic Constipation, Gastrointestinal Infections, Gastroesophageal Reflux…diseases that affect the gut,the use of GMOs also has increased.

Please take an hour to watch or listen to the ‘movie.’  It is a documentary that has great information to back up what they are saying.  It speaks for itself.

What do I want you to do with this?  Think about your health.  If you or your kids have health issues–food allergies, digestive issues, possibly autism–you can make changes of what you eat so that you can begin to feel better.  It can be life-changing.

(The part on autism, for my friends who are dealing with this is at the 20:00 mark in the movie.  It is very interesting and worth watching at least that part.)


No…this isn’t one of my thought-provoking posts of personal insight.  This is one of those posts that I feel must get to people quickly.  Of course, the movie is available for purchase after the 22nd, but why not go ahead and watch/listen for free?  The information is just that good.


edit:  Now that I’ve written and posted, I want to say this.  I don’t really think that the people who started out making the GMOs ever considered what it could do to a body.  NO ONE would want that, would they?  Unless these folks have a separate food source, they are eating the same foods they are creating.  But once the dangers became obvious, I think they have been afraid to back down.  That is a travesty. 

2 Responses to “Inflammation, Leaky Gut, Autism?”

  1. Gayle Jordan says:

    Great post sister – we’re going to try to watch tonight. Thank you for today – the girls loved you! See you tomorrow, and btw, you looked drop dead gorgeous today. xo

    • suezquesteen says:

      You always say that…I will believe it one of these days. xoxo Loved seeing you. Will send you pics. YES, please watch and share. It’s incredible.

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