So, I promised photos, and I know lots of my friends love photos like I do! But before I show photos, I have to defend myself to whomever thinks I told someone’s parents what was on a child’s xanga. You know, I love being friends with many of you, and I never have taken what I’ve read to your parents. It’s just not something I would do. All I can say is–if you’re parents find something you’ve written, don’t blame me, maybe your parents are just that darn smart!
OK, so on to the pics:
These are from the surprise lunch with Bernie’s office. He was turning 50, while his co-worker and friend Don was turning 60.
These are from tonight. Aunt Sharon opening her gifts and Bernie playing the ukulele. He loves that thing. I wish I had a picture of Chelsey
and Chip at the play tonight, but alas, I do not. I’m sure she was the picture of grace and beauty.
Aunt Sharon flies home tomorrow. It’s been a lot of fun having her here, but I’ll bet she’s glad to be getting back to
the way things normally are. Never know.