More Already

More Already

Yes, it’s shocking that I’m writing again, but the Spirit has just so
moved me!  Before I get into what the Spirit is saying, though…
YES…a pajama party for the girls is in order.  We’ve talked
about it for a long time, and anything besides the Godfather, that the
boys are watching, would be great.  Em, I’ve never seen the
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.  I may have a houseguest next
Friday, before Formal, and that would be the perfect time to have the
p.j. party.  So, we’ll work on it.  Great thinking!

Now, back to the Spirit.  When I read Jess’ comment this morning,
I was so excited!  It reminded me of what I came to believe so
long ago when I went through my testing for MS.  I remember
thinking “Wow, God must really think I can handle all of this. 
What a compliment,” when I was in the depths of it.  Yes, other
people have a much harder time seeing that—because who’s going to
walk up to someone and say “So, you’re the lucky one.  Gettin’ to
go through all this junk.”  No, people want to sympathize. 
It is so refreshing to me to hear a 16 or 17-year old say that they see
how much better off they are for the hardship.  Oh, doesn’t that
just thrill you, give you goosebumps?  It does me!  Maybe the
next time someone is struggling with some problem, whether it’s a
really big thing like a disease or on a smaller scale, like
relationship issues, maybe we should say to them, “I know it probably
doesn’t seem like it right now, but God must know that you’re someone
that can handle this.  What a privilege that He’s entrusted this
to you.  I’ll pray that you’ll lean on Him while you try to get
through it.”  Imagine how mad Satan would be if people as young as
Middle School and High School kids started speaking the Truth that
way—he’d be furious, and it would be awesome!  Thanks Jess, for
reminding me of the very things I said when I was sick, while others
didn’t know quite what to say.

OK, tonight is the Lock-Out with the Youth Group.  Even though I’m
taking a couple of weeks off from Sunday nights, I’m going
tonight.  Our first adventure is a scavenger hunt.  It
involves clues, cars, and maybe cameras! Sometime after midnight, we’re
heading to the movie theater for a private showing of Pink
Panther.  I can’t stay up the whole night, so I’ll probably just
do the scavenger hunt.  I can’t wait, though, it’s gonna be so
much fun!
I hope everyone brings lots of friends.  I’ll post pictures when I wake up!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO SIEGEL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS–REGION 4AAA CHAMPS.  Monday night, we’ll play on our home court. 

11 Responses to “More Already”

  1. hey mrs. steen! wow, i think thats an awesome approach to looking at problems. i’ve never really thought about it like that, but it makes sense!

    i love you so much!!- melissa rounion

  2. Jess019 says:

    Well glad I could help! And yes, I do have days where I feel sad or sorry for myself (don’t want to sound 100% positive all the time) but then I remember that there are people out there who have it much worse than I do. And one of my keys to dealing with my Crohn’s, is to never let it stop me from doing what I want to do. It would make me so mad if I sat on the sidelines and let that keep me from doing what ‘normal’ people do… But is it not cool to be able to say “God knew He could give me this disease and I would take it all in stride, aren’t I special and lucky?!” So do you have MS? That’s very similar to Crohn’s… or it’s similar in the way both of the diseases work. I can’t wait to meet you in person too! Have a great weekend!!

  3. i love you, mrs. steen. you are in my prayers.

  4. thamanna says:

    `~`~`RANDOM PROPZ!!!`~`~`

  5. im praying for you mrs susan!! but since its been a long time since i have been able 2 talk 2 you i figured i would leave you a comment about whats going on!! im having foot surgery this friday(10th)…. and im sorry to say that im going to northside’s youth full time now… i will def. come back when they dont have a sunday youth to visit!! i hope your doing good!! when i can drive again after my foot surgery i will come by, or i’ll be at movie nights when i know when they are!! your the best mrs susan!!

  6. yea it really does! and yes, im so excited for guard to start again! im ready to be back in shape, lol. and besides my teeth i actually have a fever, but im feeling alot better than i did thursday night.

    but then again tonights my brothers birthday and hes going to have his friends over, so i guess im happy. that means cake!

    well, see you soon!

  7. i LOVE you mrs. steen!!! 1 week away, i can’t wait! Im so excited!!!

  8. Thank you Mrs. Susan


  9. i can’t wait until the game!! my dad is doing concessions.  are you going to be there?

  10. Jess019 says:

    lol, all of the above maybe??! I think the best answer would be ‘somethings changed.’ Together but not officially, maybe?? I dunno. I’m just as confused as you. And a 4 day week?? Do what?? Do we not have school one day this week? Oh I hope not!

  11. hi mrs. steen!!!!!! i love you!


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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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