Saturday in Spokane

Saturday in Spokane

The Saturday in Spokane began with a stop at Atticus, where I enjoyed a Raspberry Oat Bar and a great American!

The Saturday in Spokane began with a stop at Atticus, where I enjoyed a Raspberry Oat Bar and a great American!


Amy and Mikaela make every visit a happy one!

Amy and Mikaela make every visit a happy one!

St. Patrick’s Day weekend, and I decided to spend the day exploring downtown Spokane.  I’ve been here for two weeks; surely there is more to see than I have seen.  So, I’ll add to this as my day goes along, but for now, I’ve started by parking in a garage and hitting the famed Atticus store and coffee shop.  The gluten-free Raspberry Oat Bar was great and not sweet.  The Americano was smooth.  Great way to start the day.

Next stop…

Method Juice Cafe!

Method Organic Juice Cafe’  has been one of my favorite places to visit in the mornings or afternoons, or both!  Amy is awesome, and Mikaela remembers my extra spinach.  I love coming here, and I highly recommend their rice bowls if you need something heavier than juice.  I will miss them.

I have walked a lot over the city, or at least downtown.  I was starving and decided that as much as I’d like to see the parade, I had to eat.  So….I ended up at my favorite lunch spot– Soul Soup!  Lauren was here, as always, and I was able to enjoy another bowl of White Bean Chicken Chili.  Just spicy enough!

When I found a place that serves a variety of soups, I made it a regular stop.  Lauren always has a smile, albeit a bit green today.

When I found a place that serves a variety of soups, I made it a regular stop. Lauren always has a smile, albeit a bit green today.

One of the places I knew I had to visit was Boo Radley’s.  It is quite an interesting collection of goodies.  Here is a picture of a great notepad that I am sure will come home with me.  If you find a Parking Citation on your car….well, you’ll know!  It’s about time there was an easy way of letting people know when they park poorly.    The Ray Guns are pretty cool, too.  I know this is one of Parker’s favorite places when he comes out here.


Eclectic, Fun, Interesting.  Definitely worth stopping here!

Eclectic, Fun, Interesting. Definitely worth stopping here!


Then, I found the newlyweds!  Thankfully, they didn’t mind if I took some pictures, along with their photographer!

No clue who they are, but she was a beautiful bride, and they looked so very happy.

No clue who they are, but she was a beautiful bride, and they looked so very happy.


2 Responses to “Saturday in Spokane”

  1. Jimmy says:

    Hi Susan, I enjoy your blogs and reading your thoughts and adventures. I passed through Spokane several years ago but did not get to stop. Beautiful places up in that part of the country!
    I sometimes wish there was more time to enjoy people places and things in life but sometimes it seems that I am blessed with everything and everyone around me and don’t need anything else. I still love travelling on my motorcycle when I have time though!

    • suezquesteen says:

      Thanks for reading! It is beautiful country in the Northwest. I had never been before. Life is busy, indeed! We need to enjoy the blessings near us first, though. Have fun riding!

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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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