Siegel Basketball

Siegel Basketball

Siegel Basketball is exciting…here are the pics to prove it!

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Bernie now has the flu.  The rest of us are on Tamiflu as a preventative measure.  My allergies are driving me nuts.

5 Responses to “Siegel Basketball”

  1. awww… tell mr. B i hope he gets to feeling better!! I LOVE YOU!

  2. i’m almost in the picture at the top.  just a little to the left.  i hope that mr.b gets better soon!  i love you mrs. steen!

  3. Athena8908 says:

    Yes, basketball games are amazingly fun!!!

    I hope Mr. B get better, and I hope the rest of you guys don’t get sick…..

    Also, I’m sorry about your allergies!!!!

    But, for what it’s worth, I <3 U Mrs. Steen, and May God Bless You and Your Family!!!!!

  4. 2 DAYS!!!!!!!! AHHHH im getting excited!

  5. i wish i coulda gone to that game but i had such a horrible headache…but i am glad we won!


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Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

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The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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