

Last week must have just gotten away from me.  Here it is already Thursday! 
Over the weekend, I went with some of my friends from another church to
a women’s retreat.  It was just wonderful!  Here are some of
the pictures…
Our Pajama Party!
A man from my church when I was growing up made this beautiful
cross hanging in the lodge at Beersheba Springs. 
Tonya Godsey was a wonderful praise and worship leader.

My sweet mother!
My precious friend, Patti.  Friends since 6th grade!

So, what else is going on?  I love this thought–“Your scars can
mark you, but they don’t need to make you.”  In other words, don’t
let your scars, your wounds make you who you are, but let who you are
come out of the wounds that brought about those scars.  It’s so
easy to let our scars make us into very sad, whiny people, but that’s
not what God intended.  He wants us to take the scars and make
something because of them, not let them make something of us. 
What are you learning from your trials, from your sadness?  I know
that some of you have such heavy hearts–more than you thought you
would at this point in your life, so I pray that you will trust God to
direct your feeth on the path. 

3 Responses to “Thursday”

  1. Hey Mrs. Susan,
    Nice to talk to you earlier!!
    Have a great night

  2. embolie13 says:

    mrs. steen!!!! i just love you!!! awww your pjs are soooo cute!!!!! i vote we have a pj party at your house and watch the sisterhood of the traveling pants since the boys are watching godfather!!!! that’d be sooo much fun!!! i love you sooo much mrs. steen!!!! <3<3 em

  3. Jess019 says:

    Ahh finally a new entry! It was well worth the wait though. This one kinda hit home for me. It had such a literal meaning for me, but then there’s something deeper. I have Crohn’s Disease, and I have no idea if you know what that is, but it’s been such a huge part of my life. Since 8th grade I’ve struggled to get it in control, I have done it all, from being admitted to the hospital a few times, to numerous tests and procedures, to 8000 medications, and trials and errors, and finally colon resection surgery when I was 16. So many people will go “oh you poor thing, what a terrible thing to deal with” and then they look at me like I’m crazy when I say I’m lucky. But because of this disease I have met some of the greatest people, and it has given me such a great outlook on life. I don’t know what I would do without the strength this disease has given me. And I honestly do feel lucky that God has chosen to give me such a thing….

    I hope you are doing well!!


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Thoughts to Encourage

Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.~ William Butler Yeats

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. - Henry Ford

The best way out is always through. ~ Robert Frost

Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. ~ Theodore N. Vail

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. ~ Oliver Goldsmith

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing helps like a good nap…

Birds are Beautiful

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