The new CIA Youth Newsletter is getting ready to go in the mail, but if you want to see it online, go to . Let me know what you think!
edit: Fed Ex just delivered the tickets for the Cherry Blossom Parade to me. If anyone reading this has family wondering when they’ll get their tickets, let them know that the tickets are here, and we’ll give them out when we get on the buses Wednesday morning–with the exception of those families not travelling with the band–I’ll send those tickets home with their students.
Hi there! I haven’t died or anything and plan on being back on xanga regularly………. : )
I don’t get to go…. *cries*
You should sneak me on in someone’s suitcase.
we have a game this saturday…but its all the way down at chatanooga i think our next home game is april 10 against symrna well i gotta go bye
No, that’s not my mom, that’s my second step-mother.
Protected just means that only people I choose can read my xanga.
not only do i sound like that person…i AM the person singing
hey! It’s Allison R.!I haven’t talked to you in a while. I guess since we aren’t at the elemantary school anymore you don’t have as many things that you can voulunter (sp) for at SMS as at ESE. So I hope things are going well at your house and that your having a wonderful spring break! well guess I’ll talk to you later! BYE!!!
P.S. I like your profile pic it’s pretty!
i know i’m sooooooooooooo excited!!! i’ve been counting down the days. lol. ttyl
see ya,bye
mrs. steen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i missed you friday night!!!!! you’re so wonderful!!!! i just love you oh so much!!!!!! <3<3 em